Wednesday, February 15, 2012


               "The key to change... is to let go of fear." - Rosanne Cash

I know from personal experience how hard change can be! It is scary, sometimes unpredictable, and uncomfortable. Too often in life we get caught up in  the comfort of what we "know", or what we are used too. We don't think about change or accept change because, we are stuck in the comfort of what we know or have been doing for so long.

It takes a lot of courage to change and take that first step in faith toward the "unknown". I personally have struggled lately with change in my own life. It has taken me some time to evaluate where I am and get rid of the old mindset and see that change is not always a bad thing. In fact it may be just what we need. I have had to take some big steps recently in my personal life as well as in the fitness world. All it took was that first step in faith, and I have already seen some positive things happening and gained confidence that I know what is right for me and that change is not a bad thing. It may be scary because of the unkown of the future but everything in life has to change in order to really grow!

I will be making a lot of changes this year and I hope you will follow me on this, exciting and some what scary journey!

Know that if you have been struggeling as I was with "changing" things in your life, or business or anything, that in order to grow there must be change. Have confidence in yourself that you know what is right for you and take that step in faith and watch as you grow! Good luck to everyone making Changes this year!

Fitfulee Yours,


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