Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Finding the Balance

I know a lot of people talk about balance but I can not stress how important it is to find a balance in your own life. If you are working out, trying to eat clean or starting something brand new, or even or training for a show it is so much easier to focus on those goals when you find balance in it all.

This is something I have struggled with.
I spent so much of my time making sure that everyone else was happy and taken care of. That the house was clean, bills were paid and laundry was done. That I had everything the kids needed and the grocery shopping was done and errands were run that I forgot that I needed to also add myself to the "to do list" for the day. I was neglecting myself, trying so hard to please everyone else and make sure they were happy and taken care of, and all the while I was stressed, tired, and grumpy. I had to realize that sometimes it is ok, to set aside time for what I wanted. That it wasn't bad or I wasn't a bad mother for taking time out of my day for myself and my wants or needs!

I added the gym back into my daily routine. That is where I can let off steam and de-stress. It is part of my "me time" and I cherish it each day. You need to remember if you are a mother, like I am, or a college student or even a single person in the working world trying to make your way. That it isn't selfish or a bad thing to allot yourself time each day. You will in fact be better and function more smoothly because of it.

I have now been able to find time to have fun with my family, still do the things that need to be done around the house and pay the bills, as well as take time out for myself and my needs and even do a competition here and there. Here is a little peak into my life:
                                         This photo was taken last Saturday at my Son's Karate Graduation.

 I cook my meals on Sunday's after church or on the weekend nights after the kids are in bed. I go to the gym in the mornings after I drop my son off at school. My daughter loves going to the daycare there so she can play with her friends. I do all my other things at home after the gym and when I pick my son up from school, the next few hours are devoted to my children. My son does Karate 4 days a week and my husband and I each take 2 days taking him. I also work 3 nights a week for extra money. My daughter will take Gymnastics starting in May.
Weekends are amazing family time for us, while still fitting in a Saturday workout. We always try to plan a family fun night 2x a week on Friday and the other 2 my husband and I try to have "Date Night" It doesn't always work out but we try. Saturdays we go to the gym in the morning and then spend the afternoon doing things with the kids. Sunday's we go to church. It is very important to us to stay grounded in our faith. After church on Sunday we usually have some lazy time. This past Sunday I left the kids with my husband for a few hours and rewarded myself with a spa treatment. A nice relaxing massage and facial. It was amazing and I don't feel guilty about it one bit.

See what I mean ladies or gents? You have to take time for yourself. Relax, let loose and reward yourself. You can't always be so focused on you family, or your work or even your diet and workout schedule that you forget that you have to take care of yourself too. Do something fun for yourself, or relaxing, or reward yourself with a night out and a cheat meal. Don't get so caught up in everything else that  you forget yourself!

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